File Specifications

Industry Terms:

Bleed / Bleed Area:
Bleed area is the portion of the artwork that extends past the finished size of the product so when the product is trimmed to size, the artwork appears to extend beyond the edge.

The process of laminating, binding, adding grommets, hemming, folding, trimming, etc. that finalizes a product.

The space along the edge of a layout in which type and other crucial elements should not enter.

Live Area:
The area within the margins.

A printing process in which the ink is heated at the time of printing; ink is raised and textured.

Click on a link to view file specs.

Paper Printed Materials
Printed Banners up to 48in.(4 feet) Tall.
Printed Banners larger than 48in.(4 feet) Tall.

Business Cards | Download Templates

NOTE: For best quality all files submitted under 11x17 size must be in a PDF or a flattened TIFF format at 300 dpi. Files over 11x17 must be 150dpi.
*** This Info. applies to all paper printed material IE: Flyers, Doorhangers, Trading Cards, Posters, Brochures, etc.

Standard business card size: 3½ " x 2"
No Bleed:
Thermographed cards cannot bleed to the edge. All important info is to be kept within the live area (1/8" inside of finish size).

With Bleed:
The file dimensions are 3¾" x 2½" allowing for a 1/8" bleed area*** where any artwork in this area will be trimmed off. All important info is to be kept within the live area with a 1/8" margin from all the edges. The finished size will be 3½" x 2".

Printed Banners up to 48in.(4 feet) Tall

NOTE: All files submitted for printed banners must be in a PDF or a flattened TIFF format at 150 dpi.

Printed banners are custom made to your dimensions.
All banners in this size range should have files setup with a visible fold line and visible cut line. These are elements that will be printed along the edges of the banner for hemming and grommet purposes. Lines should be clearly visible when overlaid on background. (IE: If the background is dark, the line should be a light color so it is easily seen, etc.)

The fold line should be a visible 1 point line that defines the finished dimensions of your banner.

The cut line should be a black 2 point line that is set exactly 1 inch larger than the dimensions of your banner. The cut line will also be the dimensions of your document. (IE: An 18" x 36" banner should be 20" x 36" with the cut line.)

Printed Banners over 48in.(4 feet) Tall

NOTE: All files submitted for printed banners must be in a PDF or a flattened TIFF format at 150 dpi.

Printed banners are custom made to your dimensions.
All banners in this size range should be designed to the size you need. In other words, your document size should be the exact dimensions of your banner. Keep all important information away from the edge of your banner (approximately 2"-3").

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